Diabolik Lovers Limited V Edition English Patch
Diabolik Lovers Haunted Dark Bridal – Brought to you by Otogetranslations Group

Release date | 12.19.2013 |
Buy from | Amazon |
English patch release | 08.16.2019 |
Developer | Rejet |
Publisher | Otomate |
Ratings | PG-15 |
Platform | Playstation Vita |
Diabolik Lovers ~Haunted Dark Bridal~ (ディアボリックラヴァーズ Diaborikku Ravāzu), abbreviated as DiaLover, is a Japanese visual novel developed by Rejet. It was released in Japan on October 11, 2012 for the PlayStation Portable. A second version of the game entitled Diabolik Lovers Limited V Edition was released for the PlayStation Vita on December 19, 2013.
The English fan translation patch for the Vita version was released on August 16, 2019.
The heroine, Yui Komori, is a positive-thinking girl who, nevertheless, is troubled by seeing spirits and experiencing poltergeist phenomena. In her second year of high school, Yui’s father, a priest, has to move overseas due to work, and she is not allowed to accompany him. Yui is instead given a certain address by her father and instructed to go live there, saying the people living there are “relatives.” Yui follows her father’s orders and arrives at a mysterious mansion as the address had suggested. As she explores the house, she meets the six Sakamaki brothers who don’t seem “normal” and learns that they are vampires. She ends up having to choose one of them to drink her blood. So begins her journey into the darkness.

The patch is only used for the Playstation Vita version of the game.
These are the things that aren’t possible to translate due to hacking/coding problems.
Character Profiles
Heaven scenarios
After Stories
System Settings
Main scenarios
Chapter List
System Messages
System Explanation
Heroine’s default name
A jailbroken Playstation Vita device. Otherwise, you can’t use this patch. Refers to http://vita.hacks.guide for a full guide to jailbreak your vita. If you’re not sure about what you’re doing, you can go to HENKAKU discord to get help from there.
The game itself. Either the game cart or digital version would work.
A PC/Laptop with internet connection.
Your Playstation Vita memory card must have at least 3GB of storage left.
Here is the link to our patch. It’s about 250MB.
Use 7zip/winrar to extract the patch. The patch size after extracting is 2.8GB, so make sure you have enough storage in your HDD.
Follow this video’s instructions to install the patch. Thank you Nagato’s Revenge for making this guide.
If you’re having trouble getting an ending of the game, you can use this guide/walkthrough written by one of our team members.
- 08.16.2019: Initial v 1.0 patch release.
- 08.19.2019: Updated the patch to v1.1, fix Laito ecstasy 8 being frozen and an error.
I don’t have a playstation vita. Can I play this?
– No.
How to jailbreak vita?
– Refers to http://vita.hacks.guide to the full instruction to jailbreak your vita.
Do you have plan to translate anything else?
– We will translate Diabolik Lovers More;Blood Limited V Edition next. But we will stop if our patch is leaked outside of those who were sent it.
Update: Currently we don’t have any plan to work on More;Blood because someone violated our policy.
I have the PSP copy of the game, can I play this?
Unfortunately, no. The patch only worked for PlayStation vita.
PS4 + Vita. Will the patch work if I have the game on PS4 but use remote play ?
The patch is for psvita only.
so if I want to play online what must I do?
Thank you for all of your hardwork on this game,
Ive seen reddit posts complaining about how the patch is not free. I just wanted to let you know that many otome fans like me appreciate the blood sweat and tears you guys put into this. Buying the game and supporting both the original creators along with the patch team should be a no brainer, sadly some people can be very entitled.
I sent you an email of proof if purchase via amazon, if this is not sufficient ill send a pick of the cartrage when it arrives. Once again thank you and i cant wait to play the game ❤
Thank you very much for your kind words 🙂
How do I send you my proof that I bought the game?
You can send me photos of the cartridge, with your name/email written on a paper.
How to download this game?
You can buy it off the Japanese Playstation vita store.
do i have to jailbreak my vita for this to work or is there any other way i can play this game as a patch has come out and i dont know how to stop it
Yes this patch only works with a jailbroken vita. There’s no other way to play it without one.
Hello, I have send a mail with the proof but I don’t have a answer yet.
Have you got my mail or you don’t look yet?
With what has happened recently, I was wondering if you guys will still send the patch to those that purchased the game? I just wanted to make sure before hacking my vita and spending ~$70 for the game. Thanks for your time in advance!
Yes, we will still send out the patch to people who have purchased the game 🙂
I’ve hacked my Vita and installed the patch, but the game still plays in Japanese. I’ve also deleted and reinstalled the patch in case it didn’t transfer properly. I’m not sure what went wrong, but I was wondering if you can help me? I placed the repatch folder at the root of the Vita, but should I put it in a specific folder? My current firmware is 3.69.
If you have a ux0:tai/ folder, delete it and reset your vita, it should work. If it didn’t, please send me an email to otomemastervn@gmail.com, with photos of: 1. Your ur0:tai/ folder. 2. Your repatch/PCSG00272/data folder. 3. Your config.txt content located in ur0:tai/
Does this work with 3.72 firmware as well?
Yes it does work with 3.72, as long as you have h-encore2 and jailbroke your vita.
I have send a mail witch a screenshot of the proof to get the patch but now answer yet. Have I something wrong?
Hi, I replied to your email.
Thank you, sorry for trouble.
Hello! I am looking into buying a PS Vita so i can get this.
Is there a way to jailbreak it and change it to 3.60 – 3.70 incase the one i may get is higher? And may i ask for the price?
Do i have to buy the game itself and the thing we get from you is separate or- I don’t believe i’m making much sense but if you could please email me with the info i’d really appreciate it!!
I sent you an email!
I am still waiting on my copy of the game, shipping has been very slow. Would I still be able to get a patch of the game sent to me? I read from tumblr a lot has happened regarding this patch so I just wanted to clarify. Thank you~.
Ya when your copy arrives, just send me an email with a photo of it and your name written on a paper near it, I’ll send you the patch.
What if i already had the game?
You can take a photo of it with your email written in a paper in the photo and send that photo to us.
I’m not sure if I understood it correctly, I am not able anymore to get the patch for this game when I send you a proof picture via E-Mail, am I right or not? Sorry for bothering you!
Did you receive the patch? Your email might be accidentally marked as spam.
Am I still able to receive patches?
Yes, we’re still giving patch to those who bought the game, so feel free to buy the game and get the patch from us 🙂
Hello I was just wondering if you are still doing patches? If so all I need to do is send you proof of my purchase correct?
Yes, we’re still giving patch to those who bought the game, so feel free to buy the game and get the patch from us 🙂
it seems i can’t play the game in english 🙁 cuz the game isn’t available in my country anymore and i never use amazon 🙁
… sad :((
You can buy the digital copy of the game regardless of your country. Just register a Japan PSN account. I bought mine using a JPN PSN account.
Hello there~ Can I play the game with a SD2Vita memory card? I’m planning to buy the physical game and I’ve watched a few videos where people put the cartridge inside the vita to make the device think that it has a digital copy of it with the help of plugins (so that it is playable on the sd2vita). Will the english patch work if I do that? Also is there a way to store the english patch on the sd2vita? Currently, I have a 4GB Sony memory card but I’m unsure if it’ll be enough storage for the game + english patch.
SD2Vita uses the spot where you put cartridge, so you should buy digital version of the game if you want to play it with sd2vita. I don’t know about using cartridge while still use sd2vita though. The game + patch is about 6GB.
The English patch always works if you have enough space and you can load the game up, doesn’t matter from a digital copy or physical copy.
If you use Sd2vita: Buy the digital version, patch + game will be stored in sd2vita.
If you use sony memory card: buy the physical copy. Patch will be stored in sony memory card. The size of the patch is 2.9GB.
Hi, do you know where I can buy the game? It’s not available in Brasil and I don’t know any trustworthy site to get a digital copy besides the playstore
You can create a Japanese PSN account, link it to your vita and use JPN playstation gift cards to buy the Japanese edition of the game.
Hello! Thanks so much for the Patch! Runs perfectly with physical copy. I don’t know what happened but all the other physical games I have get error C1-6703-6 when I try to play them (digital games are fine). All plugins are in ur:tai/ and repatch file in ux0: I’m wondering if you’ve heard anything like this before. Thank you
After deleting all the plugins, installing again and checking for updates, then rebooting, the issue was finally fixed! I’ve rebooted and reinstalled before but I think I had the right combination this time around. My apologies, and thank you all again for the wonderful patch!
Thank you! Glad it works for you 🙂
I sent my proof 🙂
I jailbroke my vita, and I installed the patch but the games still coming up in Japanese. I tried deleting the ux0:tai/ folder and restarting. I’m run 7.3
Please provide me screenshots of:
1. Your ux0:repatch/ folder, and the GAME.CPK file inside that PCSG00272 folder.
2. Your ur0:tai/ folder
3. The content of ur0:tai/config.txt file
Send them to otomemastervn@gmail.com
Sent my proof :))
sent my proof 🙂
Where do I buy the Japanese version of the game? I can’t find it on Amazon and the Japan PSN site doesn’t seem to have Haunted Dark Bridal anymore
You need to buy DIABOLIK LOVERS LIMITED V EDITION (not haunted dark bridal).
Just jailbroke my vita to play this, will get the game soon. I am very excited to play, I am very disappointed that it got leaked. People should respect the conditions you made. I am really sad you will not be translating more blood because of this, I hope you reconsider but I understand if you don’t. Why people gotta be so cheap?
Thank you 🙂 Check out otogelib.tumblr.com
Can I still purchase the patch in 2022?
The patch is not for sale.
I just need to make sure before i make the purchase for my wife, as the refund policies I’m used to doesn’t seem to apply to all countries.
If I were to make a new PSN account and buy the game from the indonesian PS store (this is the cheapest place I could find) would i then be allowed to send that proof of purchase and recieve the patch? And could i then download a rom for the game and install to my vita with my primary PSN account? It’s kind of a hazzle to switch accounts and hack it again and I would rather not deal with changing back and forth between accounts. If this is an acceptable approach, would the patch work on a rom, on my vita with firmware 3.70, and h-encore 2?
Thank you in advance.
Hey, yes you can use an indonesian PS account to buy the game, make sure that you purchase the right game (DIABOLIK LOVERS LIMITED V EDITION). Then you can send me the proof of purchasing. And yes, you can download the rom and use it with your primary account afterwards.
If you can install vitashell and repatch plugin, the patch will work for your vita.
Hello, I am wondering if I could have the patch and if it is still available to get?
Yes we will still giving patch for people purchased the game.
Hello! I would love to purchase this game and play it in english, but I just wanted to check to be sure before spending the $70.00 — are you still offering the patch to those who provide proof of game purchase?
Yes we will still provide the patch 🙂
I purchased the Japanese version of the Limited V Edition game yesterday and have plans to jailbreak my PSVita in order to play it. The game should arrive before the end of this month. Would you please let me know if you are still providing the patch to those who can provide proof of purchase? Thank you sincerely for your time.
Yes we still provide the patch for the people purchased the game 🙂 Thank you!
Thank you! I just emailed my proof of purchase! Have a wonderful day!
Just sent an email asking for the English patch and attached proof of purchase 🙂 I just bought the game digitally just waiting for it to download then I am planning to jailbreak my PS Vita. So I should be good right?
Patch sent! Please check your email.
Hey I have a question. Will there be a possible English patch for the Nintendo switch version? Although i have a newer version of the switch and still need to wait for a jailbreak for it. But will there be a possibility?
We don’t have any intention to make patches for Nintendo Switch at the moment, sorry!
I just wanna say thank you so much for this patch!!!! I’m incredibly grateful and I hope you’ll continue translating the Diabolik Lovers series! I’m very happy and it’s works well after the troubles i went through trying to get it to work. Keep working hard and thanks so much again! 🙂
You’re welcome! Thanks and have fun <3
helloooo I already sent an email concerning this, but I haven’t gotten a reply back so I’ll just comment here lol
are u still giving the patch out 2 years later 🛐 if so then I’ll jailbreak my vita and buy the game
Hello! First, thank you all for the hard work on this.
I sent an email yesterday asking for the English patch along with proof of purchase (hope what I sent was sufficient).
Lookin’ forward to the patch!
I have never had a PS Vita but am interested in playing the game and getting the patch. I do not know much about any PS Vitas so was wondering which one I should buy or what are the requirements I should look for when purchasing one or will I be having to do all of that myself after purchasing it? Sorry if this doesn’t make sense as I barely understand my question and just need help.
I think the safest way is to purchase a new Playstation vita, any firmware that are lower or equal to 3.73 can be hacked to use the patch. You can either hack it yourself using this (very detailed) guide: https://vita.hacks.guide/ or you can find someone to hack it for you.
Hi! I sent proof earlier of my digital purchase for the English patch, just checking to see if you’re still giving it out? It’s so amazing you’ve made this! Thank you 🙂
Yes I just replied to your email! Thanks and have fun!
Hello, I know this is the wrong place to write questions but, when you will finish translate brothers conflict?
Sorry but we really don’t know.
Hey, I really love playing otomes and I’ve played whatever I can find available on my pc such as amnesia and Hakuoki and I really want to get a PS vita in order to play this and other games. You said that you need firmware below 6.7 in order to jailbreak and use this patch. How would I know whether a ps vita I buy has the correct firmware to use this patch? I really don’t know much about the system or where to get one. If you could explain I’d really appreciate!
You can pretty much buy any vita now, 6.73 firmware (newest) is jailbreakable 🙂
How am I supposed to buy the game if PS Vita and PSP stopped being manufactured by Sony and are sold out everywhere?
I think you can buy an used PlayStation vita at Ebay.
Hi, was wondering if its possible to get the patch if you’re using a psvita emulator?
As long as you bought the game I think it’s fine 🙂
I have the game since before, but I downloaded it. Is it still possible to get the patch?
Yes it’s still possible to get the patch as long as you show us your proof of purchase 🙂
Hi ! just wanted to let you know that i sent proof of my purchase. Thank you so much for doing the translation <3
hi just wanted to inform that i’ve sent an email of my proof purchasing the game ~
I just bought the game cartridge and I am currently waiting for it to come in. I can’t wait to send you guys proof so I can download the patch and play! (: Are you guys still working on an English translation for More Blood?
Thank you for your support! Enjoy the game 🙂
Currently we don’t have any plans to work on More Blood, because our policy was violated.
Hello, i bought this game for my PSP about 2 years back and then my charger gave out before i could test the game out. Got a replacement a week ago so i don’t have proof of purchase. Will i still be eligible to get the english patch?
Hi, this patch is for playstation vita only, it wouldn’t work with a PSP I’m afraid.
I have a custom PSV firmware using enso so that henkaku is permanently installed, will this work with the patch ?
So there’s no use buying More Blood if you guys are not going to work on the patch anymore, correct?
Well yes, if your only purpose of buying More;Blood is for our patch then consider not buying it because we won’t work on it anymore.
how did you make a JPN PSN account.?
thank you
You can try this: https://www.vg247.com/2018/09/11/how-to-create-a-japanese-psn-account-japan-exclusive-ps4-demos-themes-games/
Is this patch available still? I am planning to get a ps vita for just the Diabolik Lovers games. Dont want to buy it if it is not available. 🙁
It’s still available.
Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I sent an email with my proof of purchase.
Have you considered making it an xbox game or even make it available on computers for those who don’t have a PlayStation?
It’s not possible since the game only released for Playstation. Without the dev’s source code, you can’t port the game to other platforms without RE-DO the ENTIRE GAME.
And it’s also illegal I think.
Hey. So if I buy the game on ebay will a screenshot of the purchases work? I plan to buy it, but I would like to wait to make sure an ebay purchase works. I bought diabolik lovers more blood haunted bride limited v. I believe that isn’t the correct version.
Thank you for all your hard work and time you put into the patch.
Hi, I just want to know if I can purchase the game in an online store instead of PSN? or am I required to buy it there? Also want to know if the patch is still available?
If it’s physical edition I guess you can buy from anywhere, but if it’s digital edition, the only store that sells it is PSN. If you’re buying the digital edition of the game from somewhere else, be careful. They could be scammers.
Hello, just wanted to let you know that I’ve emailed my proof 🙂
Hi, I installed the game from my henkaku vita, not bought (My vita is pirated already, and I downloaded the game from the pirated installer for games.) Will I need to send a proof and will it work on my vita?
You still have to buy the game. The patch works flawlessly with legit purchased copies. I don’t know about pirated copies but I don’t think it will work.
Patch still available? Thank you for your time.
Yes, it’s still available! 🙂
Hi i was wondering would this patch work if you have the DIABOLIK LOVERS LIMITED V EDITION that has both haunted bridal and more blood on it ?!?im so sorry if this was a dumb question.
Hi i have the limited v edition that has both haunted bridal and more blood in it would the patch still work?
I think yes but you might need to customize something to get it working. My best bet would be get the single Limited V Edtion.
Hi there! I just have a question that I hope you will be able to answer. Before I decide to go buying the game and also jailbreaking my vita. You mentioned you can buy the game via the Japanese PSN store, however I also read that you can’t access PSN if you jailbreak your vita, so even if I do buy the game, how am I going to install it on a jailbroken vita? Thanks :3
I bought my game via PSN store website, then I download it from PSN onto my vita => jailbreak the vita => play the game with the patch after jailbreaking the vita is totally possible. Hope this help!
You can also buy your game in browsers from your computer, you don’t need to buy it from the PSN in your vita.
Hi, I was wondering if you’re still sending the patches? I haven’t gotten the game but I wanted to make sure that you are before making the purchase
Hello! Like previous commentors before making a purchase I just wanted to check if your still sending patches
We’re still sending it until this website is no longer existed 🙂
Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I sent an email with my proof of purchase.
Hi! I already sent you the proof. Can you check it?
Hello, just wanted to let you know that I’ve emailed my proof
Hello, just wanted to let you know that I’ve emailed my proof least july of this year but i lost email with english patch on it
Hello, just wanted to let you know that I’ve emailed my proof least july or june of this year but i lost email with english patch on it
Hello, I have send a mail with the proof but I don’t have a answer yet.
Have you got my mail or you don’t look yet?
Just sent an email asking for the English patch and attached proof of purchase 🙂 I just bought the game digitally just waiting for it to download then I am planning to jailbreak my PS Vita. So I should be good right?
I bought the game and have a vita. I messaged the tumbler account. I am seeking to get the patch for this game if possible
Please read the instructions on how to obtain the patch. Thank you!
Such a convoluted way to share a patch… You need to actively keep checking and distributing it every week for someone, maybe they even bought an used copy, which is certainly not money for the developer’s pocket.
I’m not really trying to spread hate, I’m more baffled than anything.
It’s a long story but you can see it as the only way we can think of that could allow us to:
– publicly gathering translators in the public community like otomegames subreddit, Facebook groups, forums (which they don’t allow anything unofficial or copyright violation). They wouldn’t allow me to advertise recruitment post otherwise.
– avoid being received a C&D letter from Rejet, since the patch isn’t publicly shared.
– more money for Rejet when it’s due (a lot of people did purchase the digital copy instead of a used copy.)
Hope this help clarify things.
Hi! I sent an email about 10 days ago and I was wondering if you received it? Thanks!
Hello, I think I haven’t received your email just yet as I’ve replied to all the emails with proof.
Maybe try sending again would help? Let me know if you need anything else.
Excuse me but how much is the Translated game cost and why do u have to have a laptop to be able to get the game and also does the game come by the end of the month? I already have the ps vita and going to get the game🙂 thanks!
Hello! I have a (not jailbroken) ps vita, I’m interested in getting the game and the patch but I have a few questions. In a comment above you said you bought it on the PSN store, is this it? (https://store.playstation.com/ja-jp/product/JP0031-CUSA10178_00-DIABOLIKLOVERSGE) I was googling and this was all I could find related to the PSN store and dialovers, it says PS4 though.
Hello, the PSVita store is only available directly on the console (you must buy the game on PSVita using a JPN PSN account to get access to the JPN Playstation vita store).
Sony took down the Playstation store for vita on the web, so you can’t buy the game on PSN website now.
I wanted to know if you’re still providing the patch before importing the game and jailbreaking my vita 🙂
Thank you!
Yes, we’re still providing the patch 🙂
Bonjour/ bonsoir
Je me demandais si vous fournissez encore le patch ( je veut être bien sur avant d’acheter le jeux 😊 ) Je vous remercie d’avance 👀
Hello. I just wanted to let you know that I sent my proof of purchase on the email that you provided above. Thank you!
Hi! I sent an email with proof of purchase to the provided email. Thank you (✿^‿^)
sent an email regarding this! pls reply <3
So i need to buy the game from the vita store not from amazon to make the patch work???
Or i can download the patch if i buy the game from amazon????
You can buy the game anywhere, as long as it’s legit, physical or digital.
Hi I have a problem after patching the game !! It’s always showing me a black screen I tried all the solutions that ppl gaved me but still it doesn’t work pls help me
Hello I need some help, do you have any idea how I can buy the game now so I can get the patch? Because I try the ps store and can’t be connected. I’m from Indonesia and it’s kind of difficult to get the physical copy here. Thank you!
Oh and the ps vita I used is a 2nd one, it’s linked to the previous owner, I tried to login to the jp ps store but cant because I have to login using the previous owner acc. The only way is to do system reset but it will remove the henkaku of the ps vita 😭
Hello. Can I play this without Playstation Vita memory card? I don’t understand how that works. My computer RAM is (8.00 GB) Windows (C:) 290 GB free, New Volume (D:) 371 GB free. Can’t I just save my progress on my computer? Thanks.
It’s not on PC so unfortunately you can’t. You need a Playstation Vita (it’s a game console).
I want to sincerely thank you guys from the bottom of my heart, I’ve always wanted to play this game in English and there’s not NEARLY enough people who take the time to fan-translate JP otome games for us Western viewers, it’s astonishing just how people have accuse you all of gatekeeping when you merely want the developers and companies to prosper.
My heart goes out to all the members for what you’ve had to deal with and honestly we’re all unworthy of the time and effort you guys have placed on this project, it’s a shame we have people who treat honest hard work like trash.
I immediately took the time to spend over hundreds of dollars buying a ps vita jailbroken, and 3 copies of the game, two for ps vita since I lost my first copy, and the grand edition for switch. You guys inspired me to get better at my Japanese so I can also help with translation projects like yours, and I’m glad to see that you guys really love the otome community enough to continue with other projects.
I’m sad to know you won’t be translating any other Dialovers, especially with all the other games that are out, but I wholeheartedly understand and standby your decision on not working on this franchise due to how ungrateful and selfish some people were.
However, I don’t think you guys should completely give up because of a few select people, there are many like me who spent the money supporting the company since the chances of them having the funding for a English release seems null for the next few years.
I’m sure a lot of members of the otome community would fund your translation projects; myself included, and see more of your works even if you have to make it patreon membership only or discord member only. But again thank you all for your hard work and I appreciate you guys for all you’ve done for this community.
Where is the download button?
Please read the instruction carefully.
How do I get the patch? I don’t see an email link anywhere, maybe I’m just blind tho
Please read the instruction carefully. We’ve included the link to the patch in the Step by step guide section.
This may sound like an odd request, but I’m looking for help getting the translation patch to work with the Vita3K emulator for Windows.
I’d be more than happy to purchase a copy of the game even though I don’t own a Vita myself, but I really just want the opportunity to be able to play it on the big screen and can’t even imagine how cool it would be ^^
I’ve spent the last two full days trying to get it to work. I even talked with the team from the Vita3K community on their discord, but not even they could figure out the issue and were totally stumped because they’ve never seen a patch not work like this before.
Making this game available to more people particularly as the Vita is entering its end of life would mean so much to me. I’m not sure if this request would seem like it violates the spirit of the patch itself, but do you think you’d be able to help me? I’d be more than happy to connect you with the Vita3K team as well if so.
Unfortunately, we don’t know anything about the vita3k emulator at the moment so I think I can’t help you. Are you sure the emulator works similar to a hacked vita that used repatch plugin to patch games? Otherwise I think it wouldn’t work.
My husband let slip he is buying me this for Christmas! Is that patch still available?
If not totally fine too! Have a great holiday season!
Yes, the patch link is now published 🙂
are you guys still sending the patch out to people who have the game in 2022? also on the amazon link there’s two options, which one do I have to pick because both covers say limited. does it matter? thank you if you answer this 🙂
The patch link has been published. Please download it above.
Does it work now?
I wonder if you still provide the patch I would prefer to be sure before buying the game 😊
Is the patch still available?
Do you plan to ever work more on More Blood, and any of the series? So many fans are dying to get an english patch since they love the game, and even buy the game just to use english walkthroughs online. Just a question
No, we’re not working on more blood, but I heard there is another group working on it though.
Is the patch still available?
I redid everything a few times but I still can’t get it to patch T~T
I tried deleting the tai folder but it didn’t help…
Are you still giving patches to people who buys the game?
You can find the link in the instructions.
Is the patch still available? because I can’t find it anywhere TwT
You should find it above if you take the time to read the instructions.
Hello, when I tried to download the patch via the listed link, I received the NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID message. This message keeps occurring regardless of the browser or network I use. Is there an updated download link to the patch? If not, are there any other methods to share the patch? If necessary, I can provide proof of purchase of the game.
The patch link still works. Maybe your ISP blocked the hosting.
hi, idk what happened but the english patch is still working.. it’s just whenever i play the game i can’t see other characters and the background is black